Grace Extended


Grace Church is part of the International Church of the Nazarene that is now in more than 160 world areas. Missions – both local and global – is one of our greatest priorities. We commit a large portion of our income to support the missional work of the Church of the Nazarene in both global and local areas. Every age-level at Grace is involved in missions. Each summer our Vacation Bible School offering is designated for a missions project.

Room in the INN

On the 2nd and 4th Friday nights towards the end of October Grace Church will be part of Room in the Inn; a ministry to house the homeless in Clarksville. If you would like to be part of this great opportunity to extend grace, please contact Ross St. Louis at or 931-472-5058.

Lincoln Homes

Each Wednesday night, a group led by Pastor Charlotte heads out to feed some needy folks in the Lincoln Homes subdivision. They have embraced this opportunity to feed and love on folks in Jesus name while partnering with Manna Cafe. You can help in the following ways: You can contact Pastor Charlotte at and meet them at the Community Outreach Center on Vanleer Street in Lincoln homes between 4:45 and 5:00pm. You can donate food items such as: Ramen noodles, juice boxes, Apple Sauce, Toilet paper, beanie weenies, peanut butter crackers and place them in the Infant Nursery. You can pray for the folks there and those that serve them.

Fuel Kids

It is happening in Montgomery County! There are school children in our system who may not eat between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday. We have found a way to help. The F.U.E.L. program is a food subsidization program that places food directly in the back packs of these children every Friday afternoon. Grace Church has partnered with the Montgomery County FUEL program and is currently sponsoring Northeast Elementary, which is located about a mile from the Grace campus. Every week volunteers from Grace take food supplies to the school to assure that needy children do not go hungry over the weekend. You can participate by donating food items, or helping with the weekly distribution. Virginia Bridges organizes this ministry so if you are interested in helping you can contact her at (Place Holder)